Program to support trade institutions launched in Liberia, a big push for sustainable growth
The African Development Bank (AfDB) and the Government of Liberia, represented by the Ministry of Commerce and Industry (MoCI), on November 5, 2013 in Monrovia, launched the “Programme of Assistance to Trade Support Institutions in Liberia” (PATSIL), to push the country’s agenda for sustainable growth and regional integration through trade.
PATSIL, which is funded by the Africa Trade Fund, will enhance the capacity of trade institutions in Liberia to create an environment for competitive trade, production and value addition. Welcoming the Bank’s timely support in this regard, the Minister noted that the program had come at an opportune time when the Government of Liberia takes a step change in its development efforts, moving from a focus on “post-war recovery and reconstruction” to “inclusive growth and wealth creation”.
The key outcomes of the project are: (a) an improved policy framework for the trade sector by supporting the development of key policies such as the trade policy and strategy, and a standards regime; (b) improved human resource capacity of the MoCI and Liberia Chamber of Commerce to enable them analyze, formulate, negotiate and implement trade-related policies; (c) improved productivity of the MoCI and the National Ports Authority (NPA) through the provision of information technology equipment and software. At present only 50 per cent of Ministry staff have access to computers.